Snider Family

Snider Family

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Ibu Ninnings Wedding

Ibu Kokum, our house helper invited us to the wedding of her daughter, Ibu Ninning, who is seen below with her groom in the usual Sundanese wedding dress. The reception followed the ceremonial practices where we ate Sundanese food and listened to Sundanese music.

Ibu Kokum and her husband

Ibu Ninning and  Groom

Goat and Chicken sate with fruit (buah) and water

The Johnson Family and Ibu Kokum's Father.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Third week Indonesian pics

Making the rent transaction for the rumah (house) with Pak &Ibu Tumidi. Pak Tumidi has come over and introduced us to the RT of the kampung and has put together a bookcase for us. Great landlords.

The other side of the Kampung on Kebon Tujuh. Many little shops along this path to buy little items. Most of these people live on less that 5 dollars a week.

The family heading up to catch an Angkot (a van) to the market.

One of many mesjid's (mosques) in Bandung.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Lane & Marianne and Home

Lane loves the smooth floor...faster!

Riding the Angkot to the inner city

The action packer bathtub...Marianne having bath time

Outside out front door

A look up at the street

More Indonesia Pics

                                              Marianne enjoying her sucker at Paris Van Java
Our Narrow Street. Our gate is the second one on right
                                                        Lane is quite the poser for the camera
The whole gang coming back from Ciwalk

Trevor and I did some hiking and jogging up near the volcano and into the tea farms seen here. Beautiful!